Ensure You Are Disposing of Medical and Hazardous Waste Efficiently
Rest assured your waste management processes are as cost efficient as possible by utilizing CNECT’s contract with the consultants at Innovative Cost Solutions LLC (ICS).
Realize Cost Savings on Your Waste Removal Processes
Is waste management damaging your bottom line? As a CNECT member, it’s easy to find out.
We’ve partnered with Innovative Cost Solutions LLC (ICS), a leading waste management consulting company that helps businesses and healthcare facilities utilize their existing waste disposal vendors and contracts more efficiently. By managing and implementing ICS’ cost-saving recommendations — associated with general solid waste and recycling services, as well as shredding and medical and biohazardous waste services — you can experience savings every month.
- 100% Performance Based
- Average Savings of 46%
- Invoice Audit with
Error Corrections - Monthly Cost Analysis
- No Upfront Costs